"Can I Tell You a Secret?”: The Case of Britain's Most Prolific Cyberstalker
Netflix has recently released a new two-part documentary series, "Can I Tell You a Secret?", exploring the world of cyberstalking through the perspective of Matthew Hardy's crimes, as recounted by some of his victims. Hardy, a cyberstalker from England, terrorised multiple women over many years with his online harassment and threats.
The impact of the show was significant, raising awareness on the disturbing reality of cyberstalking cases and its effects on victims. Covered extensively by media outlets, including The Guardian, Glamour Magazine, and various TV shows, the show navigates the crimes of cyberstalking and online harassment, and the need for stronger measures to combat it.
In this blog post, we reveal the cyberstalking criminal profile, the impact on victims, the lessons learned for society & law enforcement, and more.
Based in Cheshire, England, Matthew Hardy's 11-year cyberstalking spree affected 63 victims, resulting in ten arrests and a custodial sentence reduced from 9 to 8 years.
Hardy’s MO was employing fake profiles, constant messaging, and intrusive calls, often beginning with the ominous question, "Can I tell you a secret?". His escalating actions included hacking accounts, spreading false information, and obtaining and disseminating intimate images.
This case serves as a stark example of the persistent challenges faced by law enforcement in addressing cyberstalking effectively.
Understanding the Why:
Matthew Hardy's actions reveal a complex psychological profile marked by a grandiose sense of self, fixation, and social isolation. While a defence argument pointed to Aspergers, the fundamental issue stemmed from his relentless pursuit to forge an online persona, driven by a quest for intimacy and revenge.
The interplay of psychological factors in Hardy's cyberstalking spree illuminates the motivations behind his disturbing actions, underscoring the complexity inherent in such criminal behaviours.
Credit: Netflix
Cyber Threat Model:
The Cyber Threat Hunting model (a comprehensive approach used to assess and analyse the threats faced by individuals or organisations in the digital realm) reveals that Matthew Hardy's basic skills, particularly in OSINT, provided him with the capability to engage in cyberstalking.
This model also emphasises the obsessive nature of cyberstalking. When initial opportunities were obstructed, Hardy escalated his behaviours to find alternative avenues. Understanding these aspects is crucial for comprehending and effectively combating cybercrime.
Methods of Cyberstalking:
Hardy's cyberstalking methods were as insidious as they were relentless. Operating through an array of fake profiles, often impersonating strangers or individuals known to the victims, he engaged victims with a deceptive "Can I tell you a secret?" approach. This initial contact was a prelude to a deluge of hundreds of messages, day and night.
The torment extended beyond digital boundaries as Hardy escalated his intrusion with constant calls, featuring nothing but the haunting sound of heavy breathing. When initial tactics faltered, he resorted to hacking accounts and creating social media profiles impersonating the victims. If granted access, he stooped to new lows by capturing intimate images and disseminating them to others. Further, he manipulated social circles by messaging friends and family, weaving a web of damaging rumours and false information that strained relationships, jeopardised jobs, and shattered lives.
One particularly disturbing case involved Hardy targeting an influencer who had recently participated in a modelling shoot. Impersonating the victim, Hardy contacted the photographer and, deceitfully, requested intimate images taken during the session. He then used a fake profile to engage in a flirtatious conversation with the victim's manager, ultimately sending the manager the acquired intimate images. This orchestrated manipulation not only impacted the victim's job but also tore apart relationships and friendships.
Impact on Victims:
The documentary "Can I Tell You a Secret?" sheds light on the profound impact of cyberstalking, including anxiety, fear, and significant life disruptions experienced by victims. Real-life accounts reveal how cyberstalking leads to increased levels of anxiety and fear among victims, affecting their mental and emotional well-being. Victims often live in constant fear of their stalker's actions, leading to heightened stress levels and a sense of vulnerability. Additionally, cyberstalking can have long-term consequences on victims' lives, including disruptions to relationships, work, and daily activities, as they struggle to cope with the trauma inflicted upon them.
At The Cyber Helpline, 85% of cyberstalking and online harassment victims that sought our support have reported feeling less physically safe, and reported feeling their lives were shattered and careers jeopardised.
The Delay of Justice:
The prolonged duration in achieving justice for the victims in the Matthew Hardy case can be attributed to two factors:
A widespread lack of understanding of stalking, coupled with victim blaming. This hindered the reporting and intervention processes.
The failure to connect multiple cases of cyberstalking against Hardy. This resulted in a fragmented understanding of the extent of his activities.
Understanding these factors is crucial in developing strategies to address and rectify the shortcomings in the justice system, ensuring a more responsive and supportive environment for victims of cyberstalking.
Hardy's consistent use of the same fake phone numbers and non-technical methods underscored a lack of sophistication in his approach. But regardless, he taunted the victims, asserting that law enforcement would be ineffective. This showcased his confidence in the system's inefficiencies.
In the face of police indifference, a victim's initiative played a pivotal role in the investigation: feeling unheard and neglected by law enforcement, she took matters into her own hands. She meticulously created an evidence log of approximately 500 pages, providing a comprehensive overview of Hardy's actions. This proactive approach underscored the gaps in the investigative process. This evidence was quintessential for the police to be able to make a case and eventually to the arrest.
Lessons for Society and Law Enforcement:
We cannot underestimate the importance of discussing this case— there were 63 victims and over 100 reports before any serious action was taken.
In scrutinising the unsettling case of Matthew Hardy and the challenges faced in bringing him to justice, crucial lessons emerge for both society and law enforcement:
Improved Legislation: The need for enhanced and specific legislation to address the complexities of cyberstalking cannot be overstated. Clearer legal frameworks are imperative to ensure that perpetrators are held accountable for their digital crimes.
Multi-Agency Stalking Intervention Units: Recognising the multidimensional nature of cyberstalking, the establishment of multi-agency units is essential. These units would integrate efforts from law enforcement, mental health professionals, and support organisations to provide comprehensive assistance to victims.
Recognising Gateway Offences and Early Intervention: Identifying and addressing gateway offences is pivotal for preventing the escalation of cyberstalking behaviours. Early intervention strategies can mitigate the impact and potential harm inflicted on victims.
Working with Stalkers Themselves: While protecting victims remains paramount, understanding the psychology of stalkers is crucial for prevention and rehabilitation. Incorporating strategies to work with perpetrators may contribute to breaking the cycle of cyberstalking.
Serial Stalking Perpetrator Register: Establishing a register specifically for serial stalking perpetrators could serve as a valuable tool for law enforcement. This database would aid in tracking repeat offenders, facilitating quicker action, and preventing prolonged campaigns of harassment.
Recognition of Psychological Harms: Acknowledging the profound psychological impact of cyberstalking is imperative. Law enforcement and support services should be equipped to recognise and address the psychological trauma inflicted upon victims.
Online Safety Bill: Advocating for a bill which compels social media platforms and online spaces to take proactive measures in ensuring user safety. Legislations should hold platforms accountable for fostering secure digital environments.
More Responsibility on Social Media Platforms: Social media platforms should bear a greater responsibility for monitoring and preventing cyberstalking. Implementing robust security measures and proactive intervention can contribute to creating safer online spaces.
Onward Referrals to Advocates and Support Services: Establishing mechanisms for onward referrals to advocates and support services is critical. This ensures that victims receive the necessary assistance in coping with the aftermath of cyberstalking and rebuilding their lives.
In learning from the Matthew Hardy case, these lessons serve as a roadmap for fostering a safer digital landscape, ensuring justice for victims, and holding perpetrators accountable for their actions.
Online Abuse and Minimisation of Victims:
In the aftermath of cyberstalking cases like Matthew Hardy's, it is paramount to address the disturbing reality of online abuse and the minimisation faced by victims who courageously share their stories (Gina Martin covers it exceptionally on her Instagram here).
Speaking out against such experiences requires immense bravery, yet it often opens victims to a torrent of online attacks and attempts to downplay the severity of their ordeals. It is crucial for society to recognise the toll this additional layer of abuse takes on survivors. To confront this issue head-on, The Cyber Helpline is committed to fostering an open dialogue and providing unwavering support to those who have faced not only the digital nightmare of cyberstalking but also the unfortunate aftermath of online abuse.
Together, we can create a space where victims are heard, believed, and empowered to reclaim control over their narratives.
If you're a victim of cyberstalking, harassment or revenge porn, please reach out to The Cyber Helpline for support: Get Help Now
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