USA Guides

We have created a number of guides to help you recover from a wide range of cyber attacks. If you have already chatted to us (if not, go here) then you will have been pointed at a specific guide that matches your issue. 

Find the right guide and follow the steps. Once you are back on track ensure you read the advice on how to avoid the same issue happening in the future. 

Some of these steps take some IT knowledge, although we have tried to provide step by step guides to help almost anyone navigate them. If you are not confident following the guides seek help from an expert. Get back in touch with us if you feel your issue has not been solved by the guide.

We want to better understand the impact of you experiencing this issue, can you share your experience by filling in this online form? This will help us better protect future victims.

In the UK? If so, visit our UK specific guides here.


Ransom, Ransomware & Malware

Ransomware is malicious software that criminals use to encrypt your data and then try to make you pay a ransom for the unlock code to get your data back. Criminals also use other forms of ransom or blackmail.

Malicious software (malware) is when a criminal puts software on one of your devices to steal information or cause damage to your device.

Guide: Encrypting Ransomware - Use this guide when you can use your device and see your files, but they have been encrypted and the file extensions changed.

Guide: Screen-Locking Ransomware - Use this guide when the ransom note appears as soon as you turn on your device and you can’t use the device in any other way.

Guide: Content for Ransom - Use this guide when someone has gained access to sensitive information about you and is trying to get you to pay (or do something) to stop them sharing it.

Guide: Webcam Blackmail - Use this guide when someone has recorded a sensitive video of you during a web chat and is asking for money so the video isn’t shared online.

Guide: Removing Malicious Software - Use this guide when one of your devices has been infected with malicious software.

Unauthorized Access

Unauthorized access is when somebody accesses (hacks) one of your online accounts without your permission.

Guide: Hacked Email Account - Use this guide when someone has accessed your email account, such as Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo etc., without your authorization.

Guide: Hacked Social Media Account - Use this guide when someone has accessed one of your social media accounts, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc., without your authorization.

Guide: Hacked Online Bank Account - Use this guide when someone has accessed your online bank account without your authorization.

Guide: Hacked Virtual Currency Account - Use this guide when someone has accessed your virtual currency wallet online without your permission.

Guide: Hacked Online Gaming Account - Use this guide when someone has accessed your online gaming account, such as Steam, Fortnite and Playstation Network, without your permission.

Guide: Hacked Online Shopping Account - Use this guide when a site you use online for shopping has been accessed online, such as Amazon and eBay, without your authorization.

Guide: Hacked Home WiFi network - Use this guide when someone has accessed your home wireless network without your permission.

Guide: SIM Swapping - Use this guide when your your mobile number is no longer working for calls, texts or data and it looks like someone has stolen your phone number.

Cyber Bullying, Online Harassment, Cyberstalking & Digital Surveillance

There are many ways the internet is used to bully and harass people of all ages.

Guide: Online Harassment - Use this guide when you are being bullied or harassed online, such as Trolling or abusive direct messages.

Guide: Cyberstalking - Use this guide when an individual is stalking you online and making severe threats to your personal safety.

Guide: Outing - Use this guide when someone has shared personal information about you online without your consent. This could be sharing a secret, personal details or sensitive images.

Guide: Fake Profiles - Use this guide when fake profiles are being created to bully or harass you online. This also covers what to do when someone has created a fake profile impersonating you to cause you distress.

Guide: Fraping - Use this guide when someone has accessed your social media account and has posted messages that cause you emotional distress or reputation damage.

Guide: Catfishing - Use this guide when you suspect that someone is pretending to be someone they are not to trick you into a personal relationship.

Guide: Online Grooming - Use this guide when you - or someone you know - is a minor and being groomed online.

Guide: Inappropriate Content - Use this guide when you have seen inappropriate content such as hate speech, offensive content or adult content aimed at children or vulnerable users. This guide also cover social medial ‘challenges’ that aim to cause harm to individuals.

Guide: Revenge Porn - Use this guide when an ex partner has shared sexually explicit pictures or videos of you without your permission in order to cause you distress.

Guide: Bugs, Cameras and Trackers - Use this guide if you think someone is listening to your conversations, watching you or tracking your location without permission.

Social Engineering

Social engineering is when cyber criminals contact you directly by email, phone or text to trick you into doing something that compromised your security or safety.

Guide: Phishing - Use this guide when you have received an email you think may be a scam. This guide helps you spot scams and also deal with the results of you clicking or downloading content.

Guide: Vishing - Use this guide when you have received a phone call you think may be a scam. This guide helps you spot scams and also support you if you followed the instructions by the scammer provided over the phone.

Guide: Smishing - Use this guide when you have received an text message you think may be a scam. This guide helps you spot scams and also deal with the results of you clicking or downloading content.

Fraud & Scams

Fraud is wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain for the criminal.

Guide: Virtual Currency Scams - Use this guide when you have been scammed through Cryptocurrency.

Guide: Card Fraud - Use this guide when transactions have been made using your bank cards which you did not authorize.

Guide: Identity Theft - Use this guide when you think someone has stolen your identity.

Guide: Online Auction Fraud - Use this guide when someone has tricked you when buying on an online auction site such as eBay or Amazon.

Guide: Covid-19 (coronavirus) scams - Use this guide if you think you have fallen for a Covid-19 (coronavirus) related scam.

Guide: Recovering money from cyber scams - Use this guide if you have lost money in an online scam or cybercrime.

Guide: Recruitment Scams (Job Fraud) - Use this guide if you have been scammed while applying for a job home or abroad.

Guide: Loan Scams - Use this guide if you have been scammed taking out a loan.

Guide: Investment Scams - Use this guide if you have been scammed while making an investment.

Accidents, Media Reporting & Public Breaches

People make mistakes that mean their data is at risk of being accessed. Online reporting issues occur when a site publishes inaccurate information on an individual.

Guide: Lost Device - Use this when you have lost a device and are trying to find it or limit the damage of lost information.

Guide: Accidental Information Share - Use this when you have accidentally shared sensitive or confidential information online.

Guide: Online Reporting Issue - Use this when a website has published fake or inaccurate information about you.

Guide: Service Provider Breach - Use this guide when a company, app, online account or service you use has been hacked and your data has been impacted.